Hi! Welcome to Megabyte
info@megabyte.muImplementing the most impactfulsolutions since 1984

Forty years of successful support to our clients and of unabated development demonstrate Megabyte’s strong expertise and our ability to bring to the market the relevant and reliable solutions it needs.
We are a leading ICT System Integrator from Mauritius, with a strong focus on the SME market at inception. We have also garnered the trust of larger scale companies and we have expanded our range of services since 2006.
Our 40-strong team of highly skilled professionals possesses a deep understanding of IT capabilities and solutions - present and upcoming ones - as well as business acumen. We are hence able to develop and implement the tailor-make solutions that align seamlessly with our customers’ unique needs.

Newly Appointed CEO
at Megabyte Ltd
Alex Gukool, our new CEO, is a seasoned IT professional with over 20 years of experience. He has driven many high value turnkey projects in Mauritius and on the African continent.
Alex is a certified GPON engineer from Alcatel Lucent University of Belgium, and has certification in telecoms and networks from France and U.K. He holds qualifications in various technologies and IT fields, namely CDCP (Certified Data Centre Professional), WMARE technologies, Microsoft Certifications, ITIL, Cybersecurity, CFE (Certified Field Expert), SMA & IPTV Systems design from Televes MEA.
He served as CEO (October 2017 to September 2023) with Tripletech Ltd and managed the ICT strategy and systems for GRIT Group (listed on the LSE), Osiris Financial Group, and Gateway Real Estate Africa Group worldwide. Over the years, he developed the business to reach 4 million USD revenue business by integrating the various group verticals, projects and acquisitions. Alex was nominated as CIO, Group CTO of the Shareholder businesses. He served as Group CTO for Falcon Healthcare Group during the project phase and post implementation phase of Artemis Hospital - an innovative private hospital in Mauritius. Alex also developed the strategic roadmap for the Falcon future clinic developments.
Before his stint at Tripletech, Alex Gukool was for nine years the Head of IT & Telecom for the Property and Hospitality Cluster of Alteo Properties, a leading high end property developer - with Anahita The Resort being a flagship project.
His earlier position was as General Manager for a German Group based in Saarbrucken.

A member of a leading Group
Megabyte is a company of Oxia Group, which has activities in technology, hospitality and agro-industry. Oxia's shareholder is UIL, an investment holding company with a range of other companies operating in the financial sector in Mauritius and the African region. Our company benefits from the strategic leadership of our Directors with their solid experience and business savviness.

Business led by
our principles

Our Focus : Our Clients – making their IT experience a testimony of reliability, trustworthiness and resilience.
Our Passion : Bringing innovation and aligning technologies with our clients’ business goals.
Our Assets : Our people, the human capital that aims to bring excellence every day.
Our Culture : Teamwork - we are one family and we foster the best of competences with a continuous development strategy.
Alex Gukool – CEO, Megabyte Ltd